Yesterday while sipping green tea in my room,
After my exhausting stint with mop and broom.
An unusual thought crossed my mind,
Hasn’t lockdown helped us pause and unwind.
Corona is a social leveller. you may all agree
Is it on some cleansing spree?
Its victims are from strata both high and low
It attacks the friend and the foe
It doesn’t discriminate based on caste, colour, religion, or creed
It spreads from one to another with an insatiable greed.
Is it something we have created, or is sent by Nature?
All of us seemed to be baffled by this dead virus crown-like creature!
Is corona a consequence of man’s desire to destroy the exotic wild?
His atrocities on bats, birds, and animals show he has lost his mind!
Nowadays, I hear the bird chirp before the first light of morn,
Animals are walking free and humans are caged at home from dusk to dawn.
How scared is one who ruled the food chain once!
Desperate to fight Corona, for he still thinks he is not a dunce!
Isn’t invincible Nature laughing at us all?
We plunder destroy and do everything menial and small !
Intoxicated by our superior brain and evil in our heart,
Destroyed rivers, trees, vegetation, animals – man what a braggart!
Nature is flourishing and blooming when man is in a cage
Nature is healing- Is corona a result of nature’s rage
Are we human beings the real virus who are destroying the earth
Is kindness, compassion, and humanity in dearth?
Who is the virus corona or we?
Let’s ponder both you and Me!

APRIL 17, 2020