As the tenacious three took their determined stride to meet the gallows with a smile,
The eyes were moist and jaws dropped even of the vilest of the vile.
Standing tall and resolute having seen only twenty-three summers
They went to sleep forever to wake us Indians out of deep slumber
Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev were their names,
For assassinating Saunders, throwing bombs in the court gave them fame.
Ninety two years have passed since they died,
Still listening to their tales of valour many of us, have many a time, cried.
We have read their story of sacrifice time and time again.
I wonder have we paid them enough tribute, was their sacrifice in vain?
Listening to their story make us feel patriotic probably for that moment,
Next day we are back in our race, forget their struggle, and grow distant.
But their dauntless spirit lies awake in each and every Indian soldier,
I survive as he takes the assault with missiles and guns on the frontier.
Shouldn’t you and I too, become dedicated soldiers in our own fields?
If teachers dutifully teach and students enthusiastically learn,
If lawyers fight for justice and doctors selflessly heal,
If lawbreakers are afraid to commit crime and law enforcers don’t yield!
This would be the finest homage paid to our Terrific Three!
Who gave us the precious gift to breathe in the air that is ours and free!

AUGUST 16, 2018