In the cave of Amarnath, a Kashmiri Pandit spoke to Lord Shiva in his dream,
”Guru Tegh Bahadur, the saint could save your religion, honor, and self-esteem.”
Terrified by Mughals, the Kashmiri pandits knocked at his door,
The Guru decided to avenge their honor and for them all atrocities he bore.
“Who can be a better person than you,’’ his 10-year-old son Gobind Rai remarked,
On a path to fight for Justice and religion the Guru embarked.
His valiant disciples refused to give up faith, became victims of the Mughal connive,
Bhai Mati Das sawed into two, Bhai Sati Das immolated &Bhai Dyala boiled alive
On one side stood the Mughal vanity and irrationality,
On the other Guru Tegh Bhadhu , with his devotion and his humility.
He was beheaded for not abiding by authority and insanity
Guru gave away his head, but not his faith, for the sake of humanity
To safeguard the religion of Kashmiri Pundits with Mughals he fought,
A simple principle to all of us he taught – “Fear not and Frighten not!”
Many a time distractions of this world may make us waiver in our faith
But always remember what Hind Ki Chandar saith
“Give up your head, but forsake not those whom you have undertaken to protect.
Sacrifice your life, but relinquish not your faith’’
Happy Gurpurab!
Guru Tegh Bhadhur Ji de Prakash purab Diyan lakh lakh Wadhaiyana

APRIL 12, 2020