God made human beings and he knew they would sometimes fall sick,
Thinking prudently and quick,
He gave some a garb of a white coat and a stethoscope,
And send them down with a lot of hope.
When they descended on earth, people decided to call them doctors.
I call them God’s Angels and our protectors.
In the doctor’s gaze, solace is found,
Half the pain, in their presence, unbound.
With words of comfort, and healing touch,
They cure not just bodies, but spirits as much.
Their wisdom, a balm, in times of distress,
In their care, we find sweet relief, no less.
When we meet a doctor, hope begins to reign,
With their counsel, half of our pain, they drain.
In the chaos of the ER’s frantic strife,
They stand as beacons, guardians of life.
Their hands, a lifeline in the darkest night,
Guiding us through the tunnels of our fright.
Amidst the aches, the tears, the silent cries,
They shoulder burdens, where hope often dies.
Their hearts, compassionate, their spirits strong,
In the face of despair, they carry on.
With weary eyes and hearts forever kind,
Doctors, healers of both body and mind
Thank you doctors for always easing our pain,
Good work is always rewarded and never goes in vain.
As we pay loving tribute to the doctors today,
Don’t break our trust we only wish to say.

JULY 1, 2018