It always surprises me that we Indians show our patriotism only two times in a year. In the month of August when we are approaching the Independence Day or when with cold winters comes Republic Day knocking at our doors waking us up from our deep slumber. Suddenly saffron, green, and white dominate all colors. The miniature tricolor floods the markets, the tricolor balloons zealously bought. The Facebook status boldly states- I am proud to be an Indian. Many tales of valor of our Indian soldiers are circulated, liked, and appreciated.
And when August 15th changes to 16th FBK status changes
Jan 26th changes to Jan 27th the color of the tricolor fades
The sacrifices are forgotten in our pursuit of leading our own busy lives, pursuing careers, and the Indian soldier is forgotten. I request all my fellow Indians that
Always remember that soldier, who walks arid lands and difficult terrain,
who fights battles, dies proudly without expectation of a personal gain.
Extend your gratitude to that mother, who would be shedding tear in the corner remembering her martyred son,
Remember that daughter who talks to the garlanded photograph of her dad, he was not there to make her childhood more fun.
Remember that young wife, who battles with the conflicting emotions of loss and pride at receiving the posthumous gallantry award on his behalf.
Sadly we need days to remember our soldiers,
Can we not remember them every day and feel blessed and indebted?
Cause they voluntarily went to die
When you and I were ………. Cause they voluntarily went to die When you and I were ……
I salute every soldier of our country.
Happy Republic Day!
Remember your Indian soldiers every day.

JANUARY 26, 2018